There are organizations, which invest millions into heavy information systems – we probably heard all of SAP and PSI. What do they get for their investment of money, time and human resources? Well maybe a few more information here and there. Mostly these systems are great at the controlling level – they tell us exactly, how many cents are spent per second – but do they support also the people, which are producing the data all these systems rely on? The most do not. So what are managements wondering, when their employees are getting creative in not-using the system?
The solution for this is quiet simple: Give the employees an own advantage after all and they will sure go along with the system. But how do we get an advantage for every single employee? Good question – here is the answer: Ask them! Involve them into the development! We have to realize, who is working the most time with such a system and who has the most effort through it. These people should get also the most influence in the development of the system. Give them a broader view of the system and they will sure push the system into higher atmospheres.
That brings us to the key-point and the reason, why FEAS is working in this field. The people are the success. We have heard that some time ago already, but it is the hard truth. It’s the employees of the company, who are talking with the clients, getting orders, producing things and supporting happily and unhappily customers afterwards. Their doing decides over profit and loss of every organization. Of course there are many security levels, lower, medium and top management, boards and much more, but we should keep in mind, that the employees are really in the field. They are working there every single day.
An organization can not be more than it really is. There are many people out there, which telling us the exact opposite of this. There is also a whole industry of marketing communications which is basically living from such ideas. But if one tries to be more than he actually is, the outside world will recognize it and will loose trust into that organization. So the structure and culture of an organization is a key-value for the success. FEAS understands eStrategies as a result of the structure and culture of an organization. It does not matter, which system the competition uses, which channels are hot at the moment or what the cheapest solution could be. It depends on the structure and culture of each organization.
It is also a hard fact, that IT systems and solutions change organizational structures and cultures. Therefore it is important to be aware of that and to choose and develop such systems and solutions in a way, where they influence the structure and culture in a good manner. It needs people with a certain background to estimate and measure the influence on the structure and culture. Economical, financial, commercial, technological, organizational and social competence, to name just a few, are disciplines which have to be combined, to successfully realize such changes.
FEAS is a team of high professional consultants, which all come with a broad background of competence. The unique combination of people enables FEAS to support organizations in a wide area of fields, as you can see in our portfolio. We are not doing everything – we do it professional.